Copley Junior School

P.S.H.E. Curriculum

At Copley Junior School, we believe in providing the children with exciting, creative and meaningful learning experiences, which build their enthusiasm for learning and help them to grow and develop not only academically but spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and morally too. Our approach to Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (P.S.H.E.) informs not only dedicated teaching sessions but the whole of the curriculum and all aspects of school life as we aim to give our pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to enable them to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become informed active citizens.


R.S.E. Curriculum

Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E.) is lifelong learning about physical, moral and intellectual development. It is about the understanding of the importance of family life, as well as other stable and loving relationships, based on respect, love and care. It is also about the age appropriate teaching of aspects of sex and sexuality. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. Copley Junior School is committed to helping children and young people develop the skills, attitudes and knowledge that will enable them to develop strong, healthy personal relationships now and in the future.

We use the 'Jigsaw' scheme as a structure to deliver our PSHE and RSE curriculum. 

Long Term Plan for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (P.S.H.E.) and Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E.)

An overview of coverage for each year group is detailed in our long term plan below.

Year 5 Puberty Talk

When the pupils are in year 5, the school nursing team talk with pupils about puberty. These are the outcomes that are addressed as part of these: 

PSHE outcomes for puberty education:

  • I can explain how bodies change during puberty and understand the importance of looking after myself physically and emotionally
  • I can describe how boys’ and girls’ bodies change during puberty
Emotional Health and Wellbeing outcomes for puberty education:
  • I understand that puberty is a natural process that happens to everybody and that it will be ok for me
  • I can express how I feel about the changes that will happen to me during puberty
These outcomes link to the following aspects of the statutory guidance for RSE.
Mental Wellbeing:
  • To know that there is a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and scale of emotions that all humans experience in relation to different experiences and situations.
  • To know how to recognise and talk about their emotions, including having a varied vocabulary of words to use when talking about their own and others’ feelings.
Changing Adolescent Body
  • To know key facts about puberty and the changing adolescent body, particularly from age 9 through to age 11, including physical and emotional changes.

Please see the lesson planning for the school nurse led session below:

Y6 Conception Talk

When pupils are in year 6, they learn about conception as part of or Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. These are the outcomes that are addressed as part of these.

PSHE outcomes for conception education:

I understand that sexual intercourse can lead to conception and that is how babies are usually made

I also understand that sometimes people need IVF to help them have a baby

Emotional Health and Wellbeing outcomes for conception education:

I appreciate how amazing it is that human bodies can reproduce in these ways

These outcomes link to the following aspects of the statutory guidance for RSE.

To know key facts about puberty and the changing adolescent body, particularly from age 9 through to age 11, including physical and emotional changes.

Please see the presentation below, which is used as part of the teaching:

As part of the presentation, children are shown an animation of the female reproductive system and an animation of the male reproductive system. This explains the parts of the anatomy and how conception occurs. Please email the school office if you wish to have a copy of the narration so you can see exactly what the animations entail.

Accreditations for Supporting PSHE, Emotional Wellbeing

AcSEED Award (Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Schools)

We are proud to share that we have met the national AcSEED criteria for emotional wellbeing and mental health support, and we have therefore been accredited with the AcSEED Award. Copley Junior is the first primary/junior school in Yorkshire to be awarded the AcSEED accreditation!

The external AcSEED review team reported back to us to share that they were particularly impressed with:
    1. "The work of the Wellbeing lead in promoting Positive Mental Health within Copley Junior.
    2. The work of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador pupil team.
    3. The involvement of Governors in the school’s wellbeing development.
    4. The child friendly wellbeing policy is inspirational.
    5. Pupil leadership groups formulating policies and promoting student wellbeing.
    6. The Mini Life Coaches PowerPoints.
    7. Involvement in the 'Mental Toughness' programme.
    8. The Civic Mayor’s ‘Make a School Difference’ Award for Mini Life Coaches.
    9. Achievement of the Diana Award – National Anti-Bullying Award.
    10. Listening to students and responding to their ideas to shape emotional wellbeing in school.
    11. The work of the Mini Life Coaches.
    12. The range of activities available to students with a focus on emotional health.

To find out more about the AcSEED Award, please visit their website by clicking here.

Healthy Learning Healthy Lives Award

Doncaster Local Authority has awarded Copley Junior the Healthy Learning Healthy Lives accreditation. The Healthy Learning Healthy Lives Award judges school provision against the criteria set for PSHE, P.E., emotional wellbeing and promoting healthy eating. Our assessor commented, "Your submission was of a fantastic standard showing the commitment you are making to support health and wellbeing as a setting."

PSHE Subject Leader Diary published in 'Everything Curriculum' magazine

Well done to our wonderful PSHE subject leader, Miss Wright, who leads our PSHE work with great commitment and enthusiasm. We were thrilled to be approached by a national magazine, 'Everything Curriculum', to contibute an article about our approach to the teaching of PSHE. We have shared the article below. To read the full 'Everything Curriculum' magazine, please click here.