Copley Junior School

End of Key Stage 2 Assessment 

Assessment at the End of Key Stage 2

At the end of Key Stage 2, pupils at our school undertake SATs tests and assessments.

Each year we share information about the content and structure of the SATs with Year 6 parents. The PowerPoint from our 2022 meeting is shared below. 


Exemplification materials have been published to highlight what each stage looks like in practice. Please click on the links below to view these: 

When are the SATs in 2023?

SATS in 2023 start on Tuesday 10th May and the last test will be on Friday 13th May. The test schedule has changed as a result of the King's Coronation Bank Holiday on Monday 8th May

The current 2023 SATs schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 9th May 2023 - Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Wednesday 10th May 2023 - English reading 

Thursday 11th May 2023 - Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic and Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

Friday 12th May 2023 - Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning