Copley Junior School

Pupil Welfare


Safeguarding - Keeping Our Children Safe

At Copley Junior School we are committed to safeguarding and ensuring the welfare of all pupils. We have a detailed Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy that details the procedures that staff follow to protect children from harm and promote their welfare.

Please refer any concerns regarding safeguarding to Copley Junior School's Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss Blades-Baker or, in her absence, to the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss C. Wright.

ChildLine - every two years, we welcome workers from the NSPCC into school to lead a whole school assembly and workshops for pupils in Years 5 and 6. The ChildLine Schools Service is a safeguarding service which seeks to work alongside every primary school nationally and across Doncaster to help keep pupils happy and safe. The Service aims to enable every child to understand the different forms of abuse, to identify signs of abuse, to know where they can go for help and to know they have the right to be happy and safe.

Photograph and Video Consent

When your child joins Copley Junior School we ask you to consider the procedures we have in place to share photographs and videos of your child on our website, School Twitter and in local community articles etc. whilst also safeguarding your child. Please approve the permission box on your ParentPay account.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

At Copley Junior we support children's emotional health and wellbeing through our wider curriculum and school ethos, emotional health and wellbeing units of study as part of our PSHE curriculum and this is further enhanced by the support of our Mini Life Coaches and tailored support from LSAs as appropriate.

To download the full-size poster above, please click here.

Pupil Welfare

Parents are asked to keep us informed of any changes to their child's health that might affect their well-being at school. It is important that we are aware of conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, allergies, hearing or sight impairments, diabetes or eczema.
Donaster promotes and supports the health needs of children in our school through its school nursing services. Parents can access the school nurse at any time if they have any concerns. In school, school nurses may work alongside teachers in a health promotion role.

Healthy Schools

As a Healthy School, we promote healthy eating in school. We encourage children to have a healthy school lunch and invite parents/carers to share a school lunch with their child each year. Children are allowed to bring a healthy snack in for their morning break. This must be a whole fruit or vegetable e.g. apple, banana, strawberries, carrot sticks, raisins etc. Synthetic food products e.g. fruit winders are not allowed. We do not allow children to bring in sweets/cakes as part of their birthday/special celebrations. Children will already have had their healthy school meal and we recognise many parents will not want their child to have additional sweet treats that they have not sanctioned.

We have a number of children with food allergies so we ask parents to support our drive to not allow sweets/cakes to be brought into school. We ask that no foods containing nuts are brought into schools for packed lunches/school visit packed lunches. As always, we greatly appreciate your support in this matter.


We will supervise the administration of prescribed medication when it needs to be taken more than twice a day. We will also administer pain relief e.g. Calpol when we have written permission from parents/carers. Medication should be clearly labelled with the child's name, dosage, method of administration, and timing of dose. Parents/carers are required to complete an administration of medicines form at the school office. You can also download the form at the bottom of this page if you prefer, so that you can print it off and complete the form at home.
Medicines should be delivered to the school by the parent/carer - never the child.
Children who use inhalers to control asthma may do so and will be supervised at school. We maintain an emergency inhaler kit in school, so that we are prepared for all eventualities.
In all cases, parents/carers are welcome to administer medicines if they prefer to do so.

Our policies and procedures for Managing Medicines and Supporting Children with Medical Conditions are available on the 'School Policies' page of the website.

Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug)

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhoea. It is easily spread by contact with an infected person, and outbreaks in schools are common.
If your child develops symptoms of norovirus, they should avoid direct contact with others until 48 hours after the symptoms have gone. They should not be sent back to school until this symptom free time has elapsed, as they may still be able to pass the virus to others. Following these precautions will help to limit the spread of the virus around the school.

For more information on the symptoms, treatment and prevention of norovirus, click here to follow a link to NHS Choices.

Head Lice and Threadworms

Unfortunately, all schools experience head lice and threadworm outbreaks from time to time. We ask all parents to remain vigilant, performing checks at home regularly (especially at the beginning and end of terms), encouraging good hand washing habits at home (after using the toilet and before eating),and making arrangements for treatment quickly in order to minimise spread.

To help prevent outbreaks, longer hair should be tied back at school, and children are asked to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. We have antibacterial soap in all toilet areas in school and encourage good hand washing habits.

For more information on the symptoms, treatment and prevention of headlice, click here to follow a link to NHS Choices.

For more information on the symptoms, treatment and prevention of threadworms, click here to follow a link to NHS Choices.


Chickenpox is infectious from one to two days before the rash starts, until all the blisters have crusted over (usually five to six days after the start of the rash). To prevent spreading the infection, keep children off school until all their spots have crusted over. If your child has chickenpox, try to keep them away from public areas to avoid contact with people who may not have had it, especially people who are at risk of serious problems, such as newborn babies and pregnant women.

For more information on the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox, click here to follow a link to NHS Choices.


Please find below our Parental Agreement for School to Administer Prescribed Medicine. You are able to complete this at the school office or can download it, print it off and complete at home, as you prefer.